About Me

Bo Gao

A computational-x researcher

Career & Awards

Faculty of Engineering and the Environment
University of Southampton

Road transportation is about to experience a paradigm shift towards semi­ and fully­ autonomous vehicles in which new systems for traffic detection, communications and advanced control will be of paramount importance to insure traffic safety and efficiency.

Our task is to investigate and develop a simulation platform for studying the impacts of introducing autonomous vehicles in to existing traffic streams and demonstrating where further efficiencies might be achieved, particularly in traffic control strategies. In partnership with Transportation Systems Catapult, I'm also developing a library of network models and APIs as an open-source test bed for traffic control strategies.

Mar. 2017
Research Fellow

Winners of the Faculty of Science Doctoral Thesis Awards 2016

Joint winner of the Faculty of Science Doctoral Thesis Awards 2016

Apr. 2016
Thesis Award

Warwick Systems Biology Centre
Zeeman Institute

As part of the CyVerse UK team, our task was to develop, improve and integrate research (bioinformatics) applications to the UK node of the Cyverse (formerly known as iPlant Collaborative) platform. The scope of these applications covers a wide range of research, including genome-side association projects exploiting natural variation in crops, predicting biological networks and pathways, and the high-throughput imaging and image analysis services that take researchers one step closer to fully understanding which genes are linked to specific traits in plants.

Aug. 2015
Post Doc

Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick

I TA-ed for a few modules (MSc and BSc) during my time as a PhD student, including

  • Foundations of Data Analytics
  • Data Mining
  • High Performance Computing
  • Mathematics for Computer Scientists II
  • Mathematics for Computer and Business Studies
  • Introduction to Computer Security
  • Web Development Technologies

Jul. 2011
Teaching Assistant

Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick

I started my PhD research with modelling and solving the workload placement problem of an emerging topic called Mobile Cloud Computing. I came across many issues such as algorithm efficiency and optimality and solved them with the best of my ability.

Towards the end of my PhD, I wrapped up the work with a complete rethinking of the Mobile Cloud Computing paradigm and developed a new way of analysing the application ecosystem that spans over mobile and cloud hardwares by extending the classic load-balancing game of Game Theory.

Jul. 2011
PhD Candidate

Unipart Technology Logistics

Lead the development of an ad-hoc forecast system, which helped UTL reduced its inventory by GBP200k in 2010 and increased its stock turn by two units. Success of the forecast system contributed greatly towards UTL's winning of the Mobile News Award in the Best Service & Repair category in the 2011. The system is still in regular use by the company to date. Beside the forecast system, I also delivered 70+ projects in total, for various departments of UTL including Demand Planning, Finance and HR.

Feb. 2009
Forecast Analyst

MSc in Computer Science and Applications
University of Warwick

Graduated with Distinction

Oct. 2007

BA in Business Computing
Coventry University

Graduated with First Class Honours

Oct. 2004

HND in Computing
Henley College Coventry

Graduated with Distinction

Oct. 2003

Main Research Interests and Experiences


See a full list of my publications on Google Scholar


  • Gao, B., He, L., & Jarvis, S. A. (2016). Offload Decision Models and the Price of Anarchy in Mobile Cloud Application Ecosystems. IEEE Access, 3, 3125–3137. [PDF] [BIBTEX]


  • Gao, B., He, L., Lu, X., Chang, C., Li, K., & Li, K. (2015). Developing Energy-Aware Task Allocation Schemes in Cloud-Assisted Mobile Workflows. In The 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications, IUCC’15. IEEE. [PDF] [BIBTEX]
  • Chen, C., He, L., Gao, B., Chang, C., Li, K., & Li, K. (2015). Modelling and Optimizing Bandwidth Provision for Interacting Cloud Services. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (pp. 305–315). Springer. [PDF] [BIBTEX]
  • Gao, B. (2015). Developing energy-aware workload offloading frameworks in mobile cloud computing (PhD thesis). University of Warwick.
  • Zhu, H., He, L., Gao, B., Li, K., & Li, K. (2015). Modelling and Developing Co-Scheduling Strategies on Multicore Processors. In International Conference on Parallel Processing. [PDF] [BIBTEX]
  • Gao, B., He, L., & Chen, C. (2015). Modelling the Bandwidth Allocation Problem in Mobile Service-Oriented Networks. In The 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM’15. ACM. [PDF] [BIBTEX] [SLIDES]


  • Fu, S., He, L., Liao, X., Huang, C., Li, K., Chang, C., & Gao, B. (2014). Modelling and Predicting the Data Availability in Decentralized Online Social Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Web Services. [PDF]
  • Fu, S., He, L., Liao, X., Huang, C., Li, K., Chang, C., & Gao, B. (2014). Cadros: The Cloud-Assisted Data Replication in Decentralized Online Social Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. [PDF]


  • Gao, B., & He, L. (2013). Modelling Energy-Aware Task Allocation in Mobile Workflows. In MobiQuitous’13, 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. [PDF] [BIBTEX] [SLIDES]
  • Chen, C., He, L., Chen, H., Sun, J., Gao, B., & Jarvis, S. A. (2013). Developing communication-aware service placement frameworks in the cloud economy. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) (pp. 1–8). IEEE. [PDF] [BIBTEX] [SLIDES]


  • Li, K., Zhang, Z., Xu, Y., Gao, B., & He, L. (2012). Chemical reaction optimization for heterogeneous computing environments. In Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), 2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium on (pp. 17–23). IEEE. [PDF] [BIBTEX]
  • Gao, B., He, L., Liu, L., Li, K., & Jarvis, S. A. (2012). From mobiles to clouds: developing energy-aware offloading strategies for workflows. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Grid Computing (pp. 139–146). IEEE Computer Society. [PDF] [BIBTEX]


  • He, L., Huang, C., Li, K., Chen, H., Sun, J., Gao, B., … Jarvis, S. A. (2011). Modelling and analyzing the authorization and execution of video workflows. In High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2011 18th International Conference on (pp. 1–10). IEEE. [PDF] [BIBTEX]

Open-Source Projects

Traffic Control Test Set

A standard set of microsimulation models and test configurations for the evaluation of traffic control systems.

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CyVerse iRODS

This is an example project to demonstrate how to dockerise a CyVerse-compatible iRODS server. As well as an ICAT-Enabled Server (IES), this project also builds an AMQP Server and an iCommand-Enabled client to demonstrate how a minimum CyVerse-compatible iRODS server work.

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APPLES is a set of tools to analyse promoter sequences on a genome-wide scale.

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Dockerised Perl Toolchain

Build a docker image which includes the plenv + cpanm + carton Perl toolchain.

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